Whats the difference between |-3| and -3?

Helllppppp Im confused

|-3| = 3

Wow thanks LOL Didnt know it was that easy XD

You're welcome.

To understand the difference between |-3| and -3, let's break it down step by step.

|-3| represents the absolute value of -3. The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on the number line. It represents the magnitude of a number without considering its sign.

Here's how you can calculate the absolute value of -3:

Step 1: Check if the number is negative.
In this case, -3 is negative.

Step 2: Remove the negative sign.
By removing the negative sign, we get 3.

Step 3: Write down the positive value.
The positive value of 3 is 3. So, |-3| = 3.

On the other hand, -3 is a negative number. It represents a quantity that is less than zero on the number line. The negative sign indicates a negative value.

In summary:
|-3| is the absolute value of -3, which is 3.
-3 is a negative number, representing a quantity less than zero.