Help, lost with the second part of this:

Evaluate the expression:
If y=100 and z=200, what is the value 2y + 2z -100
Ok, maybe I have done too many math lessons in one day, but wwhhaatt?????

just substitute the given values and evaluate it ....

2y + 2z -100
= 2(100) + 2(200) - 100
= ...

you should be able to do this mentally

No worries! Let's break it down step by step.

First, let's substitute the given values of y and z into the expression:
2y + 2z - 100

Since y is equal to 100 and z is equal to 200, we can substitute them into the expression:
2(100) + 2(200) - 100

Next, let's simplify the expression using the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS). According to PEMDAS, we should perform the multiplication before the addition and subtraction:
2(100) + 2(200) - 100
= 200 + 400 - 100

Now, let's continue simplifying by performing the addition and subtraction from left to right:
200 + 400 - 100
= 600 - 100
= 500

So, the value of the expression 2y + 2z - 100, when y is equal to 100 and z is equal to 200, is 500.

To avoid confusion in the future, remember to follow the order of operations and substitute the given values correctly into the expression.