19^-4 ?


19^-4 = 1/19^4 = 1/130321

To calculate 19 raised to the power of -4, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the base number, which is 19.
Step 2: Calculate the reciprocal of the base. The reciprocal of a number is obtained by dividing 1 by that number. In this case, the reciprocal of 19 is 1/19.
Step 3: Raise the reciprocal to the power of 4. Since the exponent is negative, the reciprocal will be raised to the power of 4.
Step 4: Calculate the result.

So, 19^-4 can be calculated as follows:

19^-4 = (1/19)^4

Now, let's simplify it:

(1/19)^4 = (1^4)/(19^4) = 1/13,841

Therefore, 19 raised to the power of -4 is equal to 1/13,841.