Give a brief summary of Home Place by guy vanderhaeghe.

I haven't read it. I suggest you read it now.

To give you a brief summary of the novel "Home Place" by Guy Vanderhaeghe, I would need to have read the book or have access to a comprehensive summary. However, I can explain how you can obtain a summary of the book yourself.

1. Read the Book: The most reliable way to get a summary of "Home Place" is to read the novel yourself. By doing so, you will have a firsthand understanding of the plot, characters, and themes explored in the story.

2. Online Book Summaries: Many websites provide summaries and analysis of popular books, including "Home Place" by Guy Vanderhaeghe. Visit reputable book summary websites or online forums where readers discuss and review books. You can search for "Home Place summary" or "Home Place book review" to find relevant results.

3. Book Reviews: Read professional book reviews of "Home Place" written by literary critics or publications. These reviews often provide an overview of the book's plot, themes, and overall evaluation.

4. Ask for Recommendations: Reach out to friends, colleagues, or online communities who have read "Home Place" by Guy Vanderhaeghe. They may be able to give you a summary based on their reading experience.

Remember that each summary you find may vary in length, depth, and perspective. It's always best to combine multiple sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the book.