1. 20.58-13.3

2. 10.88+98.3-10.88

OK ill help ya i took the test already and got a 75 so heres all the answers

1 B
2 D
3 C
4 A
5 D
6 C
7 B
8 C
9 C
10 C
11 B
12 D
13 B
14 A
15 A
16 A
17 D
18 A
19 C
20 D


DeMonte207 is 100% RIGHT don't listen to star

denonte207 is correct thank you so much

1. 7.28

2. 98.3
3. -101
5. 28
8. -7
9. 18.3
10. -81
11. 3
12. -20, -13, -9, 7,14, 20
13. -269
14. 4
15. 61
16. 36.95
17. 17.32
18. it is A
19. 20.12
20. 78

I only have 19 questions?

those are the answers I promise

Demonte is 100% right

I got an 84% decent ig

Star is wrong Demonte is right don't listen to star listen to demonte

can you guys do it in nubers

ex) 1.56.7

help pls do it in numbers ex) 1. 565.7

doesn't matter toward your grade it's just a practice

no help

yall so confusing smh.

moop la la

Demonte is100% right BTW

Rodeo kid is right question 18 however MAY CHANGE due to it being a letter one but thats OK as of 30th of August it is an A thanks.

Rodeo kid

is correct but
12. -20, -13, -9, 7,15, 20 is the correct answer there is no 14 one

its all good but 10. is - 81 i promise

I got 16 questions-

also mine is a practice...

if you are using significant digits, you can't give an answer on either past one decimal place, round to that place.

18 is D everything else from demonte is correct for conexus

demonte207 is 100% wrong