You have just been hired as a human resource specialist and will be responsible for conducting background investigations. Which of the following is safest to assume?

A. You will be posting background check results.
B. You will be supervising new hires.
C. You will be checking references.
D. You will be checking driving records.

Kemia u absolute idiot , we are the ones supposed to answer.

Based on the given information, the safest assumption is:

D. You will be checking driving records.

As a human resource specialist responsible for conducting background investigations, it would be safest to assume that option C, "You will be checking references," is the most appropriate choice. Checking references is a common and necessary part of the background investigation process. It involves contacting the references provided by the applicants to verify their past employment records, qualifications, and other relevant information. Background investigations can also include checking criminal records, educational credentials, and driving records, as mentioned in option D, but these may not be applicable or necessary for every position or organization. The other options, A and B, are not typically within the scope of a human resource specialist's responsibilities when conducting background investigations. However, it's important to note that the exact nature and scope of your role may vary depending on the specific organization and job requirements, so it's always best to clarify with your employer to confirm the exact expectations and responsibilities of your role in conducting background investigations.

So what’s the answer???