a fruit juice is 45% orange and the other is mango. there is 340 ml of juice. how many ml of mango juice is there ?

340 * 0.55 = ______ ml

can you explain how you figured out this equation ? is there any way you can figure it out mentally?

100 - 45 = 55

The proportion is about 50-50. Half of 340 is 170. I'd guess a little more -- so about 175 to 180 ml.

thank you so much!

You're very welcome.

To find the number of milliliters of mango juice in the fruit juice, we first need to calculate the amount of orange juice present.

Given that the fruit juice is 45% orange, we can assume that 45% of the total juice volume is orange juice.

Step 1: Calculate the amount of orange juice:
Orange juice volume = 45% of 340 ml
Orange juice volume = (45/100) * 340 ml
Orange juice volume = 153 ml

Now, to determine the amount of mango juice, we subtract the amount of orange juice from the total juice volume.

Step 2: Calculate the amount of mango juice:
Mango juice volume = Total juice volume - Orange juice volume
Mango juice volume = 340 ml - 153 ml
Mango juice volume = 187 ml

Therefore, there are 187 ml of mango juice in the fruit juice.