What is the percentage purity if 20.5gm/litre of mohr's salt is completely dissolved into N/20 K2Cr2O7

To calculate the percentage purity, we need to compare the amount of Mohr's salt in the solution with the theoretical maximum amount of Mohr's salt that could be present.

First, we need to find out the amount of Mohr's salt in the solution. To do this, we multiply the concentration of Mohr's salt by the volume of the solution:

Amount of Mohr's Salt = Concentration of Mohr's salt x Volume of the solution

In this case, the concentration of Mohr's salt is given as 20.5 g/L, and we do not have the volume of the solution. Therefore, we need additional information about the volume of the solution to calculate the amount of Mohr's salt accurately.

Once we know the amount of Mohr's salt present, we can compare it to the theoretical maximum amount. The percentage purity can be calculated using the following formula:

Percentage Purity = (Actual amount of Mohr's salt / Theoretical maximum amount of Mohr's salt) x 100

To find the theoretical maximum amount of Mohr's salt, we need to know the stoichiometry of the reaction between Mohr's salt and N/20 K2Cr2O7. If you have that information, please provide it so that we can proceed with the calculation.