Which of the following is a valid reason to study science

A. All in employees require a in depth knowledge  of science.

B. Carrying  out scientific experiments  is a requirement  to every day life.

C. Most colleges require advanced  science classes

D. Understanding  basic scientific  terms and principles  can help you evaluate  scientific  claims that affect your everyday life.

 2. An environmental group claims that a local chemical plant is polluting a nearby river. They are calling for a shutdown of the chemical plant. What evidence would help you the most in evaluating their claim?

A. A repeated study that shows chemicals produced by the plants are in the water and harming fish

B. The credentials  of the president of the environmental group.

C. A report that list the chemicals they claim are being leaked into the ground.

D. The URL  of the environmental group website.

3.  Which of the following questions is most testable through scientific  experimentation.

A. Which gelatin takes longer to set gelatin with fruit or without fruit?

B. Which food looks more attractive gelatin bananas  or apples?

C. Which taste better gelatin  with fruit or without fruit?

D. Which fruit do people buy more in 1 year bananas  or apples

4. Which of the following best describes scientific theory 

A. The scientific  theroy is a rule of nature that can never be changed.

B. Scientific  theory is an educated  guess about possible results of an experimentation.

C. Scientific  theory  is a description of  a pattern of observation  without explanation .

D. Scientific  theory  is the best explanation  for a particular  patter of observation .

My answers





I'm pretty sure I'm right I just wanted to
make sure I am thanks ms. Sue

1.D - yes

2.A - yes

3.A - yes

4.C - yes


Thanks Ms.Sue

You're welcome, John.

I think 4 is D.

Damon is probably right.

Your answers are mostly correct! Great job. Here's a breakdown of each question:

1. Which of the following is a valid reason to study science?
Correct answer: D. Understanding basic scientific terms and principles can help you evaluate scientific claims that affect your everyday life.
Explanation: Studying science helps you develop critical thinking skills and understand the world around you. It allows you to evaluate scientific claims, make informed decisions, and separate fact from fiction.

2. An environmental group claims that a local chemical plant is polluting a nearby river. What evidence would help you the most in evaluating their claim?
Correct answer: A. A repeated study that shows chemicals produced by the plants are in the water and harming fish.
Explanation: Scientific evidence, such as repeated studies, is the most reliable way to evaluate claims. In this case, if there is scientific evidence that shows the presence of harmful chemicals from the plant in the water and their negative impact on fish, it provides strong support for the environmental group's claim.

3. Which of the following questions is most testable through scientific experimentation?
Correct answer: A. Which gelatin takes longer to set: gelatin with fruit or without fruit?
Explanation: Scientific experiments involve testing hypotheses through controlled procedures and measurements. In this case, the question about gelatin setting time can be systematically tested by preparing two batches of gelatin, one with fruit and one without, and comparing their setting times.

4. Which of the following best describes scientific theory?
Correct answer: D. Scientific theory is the best explanation for a particular pattern of observation.
Explanation: Scientific theories are well-substantiated explanations that have been extensively tested and supported by evidence. They are the most comprehensive and reliable explanations for a particular phenomena based on observations, experiments, and other scientific evidence.

Overall, you have a good understanding of these concepts. Well done!