According to the Transitive Property of Equality, If TX=XY and XY=YZ then TX=_________.

a. TX b. XY c. YZ*** d. TZ

1. C. YZ

2. B. Symmetric POE (Property of Equality)
3. C. Distributive Property ( Statement 2 )
4. B. Combine like Terms (Statment 3 )
5. A. Subtraction Property of Equality ( Statment 4 )
6. D. Division Property of Equality ( Statment 5 )

As of 2021 these are the answers for Geometry: Reasoning in algebra and geometry

Glizzy_Buster is right! Thanks

Glizzy_Buster is correct

Also glizzy buster is right

what the heck is this person's name-? ^^^

glizzy buster is right

Correct : )

That is correct

Grizzly bear is correct

According to the Transitive Property of Equality, if TX = XY and XY = YZ, then we can substitute XY for TX. So, the correct answer is c. YZ.

To understand why, let's break it down:

1. Given that TX = XY and XY = YZ.
2. Using the Transitive Property, we can substitute XY for TX.
3. Therefore, TX can be replaced with XY.
4. Thus, we can conclude that TX = YZ.

This property allows us to establish a chain of equalities, so if two things are equal and one of them is equal to a third thing, then the original two things are also equal to each other.