What is the unknown

digit that makes the statement true?


if you subtract 2.4 ... .08 > .0_1 > .063

To find the unknown digit that makes the statement true, we need to compare the decimal numbers 2.481 and 2.463.

Step 1: Look at the hundreds place (the digit to the left of the decimal point). In this case, both numbers have a "2" in the hundreds place.

Step 2: Since the hundreds place is the same, we move to the next digit, which is the tenths place. In the first number, 2.48, the digit in the tenths place is "4." In the second number, 2.463, the digit in the tenths place is also "4," so they are the same.

Step 3: We continue to the next digit, which is the hundredths place. In the first number, 2.48, the digit in the hundredths place is "8." In the second number, 2.463, the digit in the hundredths place is "6."

Step 4: Comparing the digits in the hundredths place, we see that 8 is greater than 6.

Therefore, to make the statement true, the unknown digit would need to be greater than 6.