. The ________ will meet tomorrow to discuss some upcoming projects.

a. editor-in-chiefs
b. editor in chiefs
c. editors in chief
d. editors-in-chief

is the correct answer D


Yes, the correct answer is D, "editors-in-chief."

To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the rules for forming compound nouns.

When multiple nouns are combined to form a compound noun, the most common structure is to use hyphens (-) between the words. This helps clarify that the individual words are part of a single noun phrase.

In this case, "editor" is the noun, and "in-chief" is a compound modifier. To form the compound noun, we connect "editor" and "in-chief" with hyphens: "editors-in-chief."

Option A, "editor-in-chiefs," is incorrect because it uses a singular noun ("chief") instead of the plural form ("chiefs").

Option B, "editor in chiefs," is also incorrect because it does not use hyphens to indicate that the phrase is a compound noun.

Option C, "editors in chief," is incorrect because it treats "in chief" as separate from "editors," creating an unclear or incorrect compound noun.

Therefore, the correct choice is D, "editors-in-chief."