A plane left Atlanta at 11:30 AM and flew to an airport near Boston. The plane was due to arrive at 3:15 PM. The plane arrived 25 minutes late. The time of the trip was:

Is the answer 4 hours and 10 minutes?


I thought 3:15 was 25 minutes late so i got 3 hrs and 45 min as my answer glad this website exists for checking

To calculate the time of the trip, we need to find the difference between the departure time and the arrival time.

The plane left Atlanta at 11:30 AM and was due to arrive at 3:15 PM.

To find the difference, we can subtract the departure time from the arrival time.

3:15 PM - 11:30 AM = 3 hours and 45 minutes

However, we need to take into account that the plane arrived 25 minutes late.

So, we add 25 minutes to the calculated time:

3 hours and 45 minutes + 25 minutes = 4 hours and 10 minutes

Therefore, the time of the trip is indeed 4 hours and 10 minutes.