Write the fraction you would use to change the base for log815.

from what base to what base?

it is log base 8 and 15 ( the 8 is little)

To change the base for logarithms, we can use the change of base formula. The formula states that for any logarithm with base b, we can express it in terms of another base, say a, as:

log base a (x) = log base b (x) / log base b (a)

In this case, we want to change the base for log815. Let's say we want to change it to base a. We can apply the change of base formula as follows:

log base a (815) = log base b (815) / log base b (a)

The fraction you would use to change the base for log815 is log base b (815) / log base b (a). Note that while the choice of base b is arbitrary, it's common to choose either 10 (logarithm in base 10) or e (logarithm in base e, where e is the mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828).