inhuma farming methods

cramped pens, no exercise, no medical care, torture?

I dont know please help

Inhumane farming methods refer to practices that involve the mistreatment or cruelty towards animals in agricultural production. These methods often prioritize profits and efficiency over the welfare and well-being of animals. Some examples of inhumane farming practices include:

1. Confinement: The use of small cages or overcrowded housing systems that restrict the movement and natural behaviors of animals, such as intensive battery cages for laying hens, gestation crates for pregnant sows, or veal crates for calves.

2. Cruel Handling or Transportation: Rough treatment, improper handling, or transporting animals in overcrowded conditions without proper provisions for their well-being, such as long-distance transport of livestock in cramped spaces or without sufficient rest, food, or water.

3. Lack of Access to Fresh Air and Natural Light: Keeping animals indoors without access to natural sunlight or fresh air, depriving them of their inherent needs and causing additional stress and health issues.

4. Routine Use of Hormones and Antibiotics: The excessive and indiscriminate use of growth hormones or antibiotics to promote animal growth or prevent disease, sometimes leading to negative health impacts for the animals and potentially contributing to antibiotic resistance in humans.

5. Lack of Environmental Enrichment: Failing to provide animals with proper environmental stimulation or opportunities to engage in natural behaviors, causing stress, boredom, and overall decreased welfare.

It's essential to promote and support alternative farming methods that prioritize animal welfare, such as free-range systems, organic farming, and sustainable agriculture practices. Choosing products from farms that prioritize animal welfare, seeking out certifications such as Certified Humane or Animal Welfare Approved, and advocating for stricter regulations can help encourage more humane farming practices.