Are the following all called "shoes"?

sneakers, football shoes, slippers, tennis shoes, sports shoes, basketball shoes

Yes rfvv they are all considered different types of "shoes". :)

Yes, all of the listed items are generally referred to as "shoes." However, it's important to note that terminology may vary depending on regional preferences or individual interpretations. In general, the term "shoes" is a broad category that encompasses different types of footwear used for various purposes.

To determine if a specific item falls under the category of shoes, you can consider the following steps:

1. Examine the item: Look at the physical attributes and purpose of the footwear in question. Determine if it covers the foot and is designed for protection, comfort, and style.

2. Research: If you are unsure about the classification of a particular footwear item, researching online or consulting relevant sources like shoe catalogs, retail websites, or fashion dictionaries can be helpful. These sources often provide comprehensive information about footwear types and their categorization.

3. Context: Consider the context in which the term "shoes" is used. In everyday conversation, the term may be used more broadly to collectively refer to various types of footwear that people commonly wear. However, in specific sports or activities, a distinct term may be used to describe the appropriate footwear (e.g., football shoes, basketball shoes) to differentiate them from regular shoes.

Remember that language is fluid, and shoe terminology may vary depending on cultural, regional, or individual preferences.

Yes, they are all included as shoes.