Determine the energy released per kilogram of fuel used for 6.0 x 10-10J/Kg.

fuel? What fuel?

If this is a nuclear energy change.

write the balance dequation, and look up the energy change per particle change.
for instance, if two neutrons are released, look up that enegy released per nucleon change.
Multiply that by avagradro's number to get energy change per mole.
now divide by the mole mass of the fuel, you now have energy released per gram.
multipy that by 1000 to get energy released per kilogram.

To determine the energy released per kilogram of fuel used, you need to divide the energy released by the mass of the fuel used.

In this case, you are given that the energy released is 6.0 x 10^-10 J (joules) per kilogram of fuel used.

To calculate the energy released per kilogram, divide the given energy by 1 kg:

(6.0 x 10^-10 J) / (1 kg) = 6.0 x 10^-10 J/kg

Therefore, the energy released per kilogram of fuel used is 6.0 x 10^-10 J/kg.