Read each sentence carefully, and then select the punctuation correction that must be made to that sentence.

1:This means that my in laws do not eat any of the following: meat, cheese, yogurt, or ice cream.

A:Change the colon after following to a comma
B:Add quotation marks around in laws.
C:Add a hyphen to in laws***
D:Change comma after yogurt to a semicolon

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Punctuation practice answers for connexus

1. A
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. D
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Yes, correct.

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You’re welcome!

No, the correct answer is actually D: Change comma after yogurt to a semicolon.

To determine the correct punctuation in this sentence, we need to understand the role of the colon. A colon can be used to introduce a list, explanation, or elaboration. In this case, the colon is used to introduce the list of items that the in-laws do not eat: meat, cheese, yogurt, or ice cream.

Therefore, the correct punctuation correction is to replace the comma after "yogurt" with a semicolon, as the list of items is being introduced by the colon. The corrected sentence would be:

This means that my in-laws do not eat any of the following: meat, cheese, yogurt; or ice cream.