Choose incorrect if the sentence is punctuated incorrectly. Choose correct if it is punctuated correctly.

1: Gravel, crushed rock, cinder- these are used as ballast on railroad beds.


2:Ben Franklin[noted statesmen, scientist, and philosopher] attended school for onlytwo years.


3:Thailand - formaly Siam is in Southeast Asia.


4:Doris Kearns Goodwin wrote, "He [Lincoln] plodded forward in and awkward manner, hands hanging at his sides or folded behind his back."


5:Of all the Great Lakes (Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario Lake Superior is the largest.


Are these correct?

Your answers seem to be correct, as long as that's a DASH in #1, not a hyphen!!

They Are Correct


still correct

Thank you! Actually, I'm not sure. I just copied how it was on my work sheet.

Yes, I looked at the links, thank you. I have contacted my teacher via school webmail actually.....she is out of the office today...ha. I appreciate all of your help!

You’re welcome.

still good to this day :D

they are correct

Glad to know that! Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Still correct 🙃

Great to know that! If you have any further questions or need help with anything else, feel free to ask.

You should ask your teacher how they are differentiating between hyphens (-) and dashes (--). I gave you links earlier that explain that they are not used in the same ways.