does the sun have a gravitiational pull which can strip gas planets of their atmospheres?

not a question for assignment but more likes one to help answer another.

It would depend on how close the planet is to the sun.

I know that but "GAS PLANETS" are the outer planets so they aren't that close to the sun!

Yes, the Sun does have a gravitational pull that can potentially strip gas planets of their atmospheres. This process is known as atmospheric escape or planetary evaporation.

To understand how the Sun can strip gas planets of their atmospheres, we need to consider the concept of escape velocity. Escape velocity is the minimum speed an object needs to exceed in order to escape the gravitational pull of another object. The escape velocity depends on the mass and size of the planet, as well as the mass and distance to the attracting body (in this case, the Sun).

Gas planets, such as Jupiter or Saturn, have massive atmospheres consisting of gases like hydrogen and helium. In these cases, the escape velocity required to completely escape the planet's gravitational pull is typically very high, making it difficult for these gases to be stripped away.

However, the Sun's gravity can still have an impact on these gas planets. The intense heat and radiation from the Sun can cause the outer layers of the gas planets to heat up and expand. As a result, some of the gas particles gain enough energy to reach velocities that exceed the escape velocity of the planet.

At these high velocities, some gas particles can achieve escape velocity and be "blown away" from the planet's gravitational pull. Over time, continuous exposure to the Sun's heat and radiation can cause a gradual loss of the gas planet's atmosphere, although it may not completely strip the planet of its atmosphere since the escape velocity of gas planets tends to be quite high.

To study this phenomenon in more detail, scientists use observations from telescopes and space probes to measure the composition and density of a gas planet's atmosphere. They also rely on computer simulations and models to understand the consequences of the Sun's gravitational pull on these planets.

In summary, while the Sun's gravitational pull may not completely strip gas planets of their atmospheres, it can still cause some gas particles to escape over time, resulting in a gradual loss of the planet's atmospheric gases.