number sense is 7/8 or 11/10 closer to 1 how did you decide?

Use equivalent fractions with a common denominator.

7/8 = 70/80

11/10 = 88/80

Which is closer to 80/80?

1. If you convert 7/8 to the denominator of 80 it would be 70/80

2. The same with 11/10 that would be 88/80

3. Which is closer to 80/80 ( 80/80 = 1 )

4. 11/10 is closer to 80/80, it is only 8 away from actually being 1 whole.


To determine which fraction, 7/8 or 11/10, is closer to 1, we can compare their distances from 1.

First, let's find the distance between 7/8 and 1. We subtract 7/8 from 1:

1 - 7/8 = 8/8 - 7/8 = 1/8

So, the distance between 7/8 and 1 is 1/8.

Next, let's find the distance between 11/10 and 1. We subtract 11/10 from 1:

1 - 11/10 = 10/10 - 11/10 = -1/10

Wait, we have a negative distance! This indicates that 11/10 is actually less than 1, as it is to the left of 1 on the number line. To make it positive, we take the absolute value of -1/10, which gives us 1/10.

Therefore, the distance between 11/10 and 1 is 1/10.

Comparing the distances, we have:
Distance between 7/8 and 1 = 1/8
Distance between 11/10 and 1 = 1/10

Since 1/10 is smaller than 1/8, this means 11/10 is closer to 1 compared to 7/8.