look at the given rectangle. write a polynomial expression in simplest form for the perimeter of the rectangle.

Lesson 2, Unit 6 answers to the quick check


I'm a connections student and got 100% with these answers

1. D- 4m

2. B- 7r^2 - r - 1
3. A- -3h - 3
4. C- -2w^2 - 5w - 3
5. C- 14x + 8

sorry 4 is -2w^2 - 5w + 1

Lesson 2 Unit 5 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials:

1) (9m+6)+(-5 - 6)
D (4m)
2) (3r^2+7r+1)+(4r^2 - 8r - 2)
B (7r^2 - 15r - 1)
3) (6h+1)-(9h+4)
A (-3h - 3)
4) (-7w^2 - 2w - 1)-(-5w^2+3w - 2)
C (-2w^2 - 5w - 3)
5) Look at the given rectangle. Write a polynomial expression in simplest form for the perimeter of the rectangle.
C (14x+8)
I hope this helps!!! Have a wonderful day :)

For anyone wondering he/Her is 100% right

@/Kashishi_1573 is correct! Thank youuuu

steves not correct

that guy in a hot dog costume is right I got the same answers as him or her.

Lesson 2 unit 5

Adding and subtracting polynomial

Go follow my tik tok @bennettbetz