1. He washes the dishes every other day.

How do you pronounce 'washes the" in normal speech?
Do you delete 'th' sound? Or do you delete [z] at the end of 'washes'?

I’d pronounce “washes” just as it’s spekked, but the “e” in “the” is barely pronounced.

... spelled ...

To pronounce "washes the" in normal speech, you have a few options:

1. The most common way is to delete the "th" sound, so it sounds more like "washesuh." This is known as using the voiced dental fricative, which is represented as [ð] in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). So, instead of saying "washes," you would say "washesuh" with a very quick and soft "uh" sound instead of the "th" sound.

2. Another option is to delete the "z" sound at the end of "washes." So instead of saying "washes the," you would say "wash the" without the "z" sound. This is more common in informal speech and is similar to the way we might shorten and simplify words in casual conversation.

These are just two possible ways to pronounce "washes the" in normal speech, and the pronunciation can vary slightly depending on regional accents and personal preference.