Please explain how members of the Reagan administration acted illegally to sell arms to Iran and aid the Contras in Nicaragua. In a small paragraph, please give reasons for and against these actions, and evaluate their impact.

this is the question that I'm stumped on. if you could, help me out to find the answer. I'm not asking for an answer, I could just like help finding one.

thanks :)

Thank you Ms.Sue, you're very helpful. do you mind if I post my paragraph after I finish it to see if I did a decent job?

Please post it.

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Like what website?

Certainly! To understand how members of the Reagan administration acted illegally in selling arms to Iran and aiding the Contras in Nicaragua, you can start by conducting research on the Iran-Contra affair. Begin by looking into the various official investigations, such as the joint congressional investigation and the Independent Counsel appointed during that time. You may want to access primary sources, such as government reports and transcripts of hearings, to get an accurate understanding of the events.

Reasons supporting these actions include the Reagan administration's desire to secure the release of American hostages held in Lebanon by Hezbollah, which had ties to Iran. The administration believed a goodwill gesture, such as selling arms to Iran, would help establish diplomatic negotiations. Similarly, the aid provided to the Contras was seen by some as a way to counter the growing influence of communism in the region.

Reasons against these actions include the fact that selling arms to Iran violated a U.S. arms embargo and supported an adversarial nation that was designated as a state sponsor of terrorism. Moreover, funneling the proceeds from arms sales to the Contras violated the Boland Amendment, which prohibited U.S. government agencies from providing military assistance to the Contras.

The impact of these actions was significant. It tarnished the Reagan administration's reputation and damaged public trust. Several high-ranking officials were indicted, although some were later pardoned. The revelations led to a widespread debate on the limits of presidential power and the accountability of government officials. It also highlighted the complexity and ethical challenges of foreign policy decision-making in the pursuit of national interests.

By diving into research and examining various perspectives, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Iran-Contra affair, enabling you to form your own analysis and response to the question.

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