In what hemisphere is zaire located?

Is it just the southern or eastern, northern as well?
What African country makes up an eastern peninsula?

Good heavens, this question is 21 years out of date!!! Zaire changed its name to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1997.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is is in the eastern, southern hemispheres, although part of it is in the northern hemisphere.

Yes, Somalia is on an eastern peninsula.

Zaire, now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is located in the Eastern Hemisphere. Specifically, it is situated in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The equator passes through the country, thus dividing it into northern and southern halves.

To determine which hemisphere a country is located in, you can consult a map or globe. A globe is particularly useful as it presents a three-dimensional representation of the Earth, allowing for a more accurate depiction of hemispheric divisions. By locating the country on the map or globe, you can easily identify the hemisphere it falls within.

Regarding the second question, the African country that constitutes an eastern peninsula is Somalia. Somalia is located in the Horn of Africa and juts out into the Indian Ocean, forming an eastern projection on the continent. It borders the Gulf of Aden in the north, the Arabian Sea in the east, and Kenya and Ethiopia to the west.