Who knows all of Romeo and Juliet's secrets?

A -The Nurse
B -Balthasar
C -Friar Lawrence**

C is most likely correct, yes.

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To find the correct answer to this question, we can start by understanding the different characters mentioned. In Shakespeare's play, "Romeo and Juliet," there are several key characters who are acquainted with the secrets surrounding the two lovers.

The Nurse: The Nurse is Juliet's trusted confidante and companion. She is aware of the love affair between Romeo and Juliet and the plans they make to be together. However, the Nurse does not know all of their secrets.

Balthasar: Balthasar is Romeo's loyal servant. While he is not directly involved in Romeo and Juliet's secrets, he is aware of some events regarding their relationship. However, he does not know all of their secrets either.

Friar Lawrence: Friar Lawrence, on the other hand, is a crucial character who knows every secret in the play. He serves as both Romeo and Juliet's confidante and spiritual advisor. Friar Lawrence is not only aware of their clandestine marriage but also their plan to fake Juliet's death using a special potion. He plays a pivotal role in the tragic events that unfold in the play.

Therefore, the answer to the question is C - Friar Lawrence.