religion can effect people in many different ways. list at least two effects that organized relgion has had on society and give examples from the past or present world events that illustrates your examples

Think on the effects of The Quakers had on society. Then perhaps consider the conflict between Phillip II and Elizabeth I, and what role religion had in the war.

this is so easy. Use your brain

Organized religion has had a significant impact on society throughout history, and here are two effects along with corresponding examples:

1. Social Cohesion: Organized religion has often served as a unifying force within communities, aiding in social cohesion by establishing shared beliefs, values, and rituals. One example of this effect can be seen in the role of Christianity during the Middle Ages in Europe. The Catholic Church played a central role in providing a common framework for people to understand the world and their place in it. Masses, sacraments, and festivals brought communities together, reinforcing a sense of belonging and shared identity.

2. Conflicts and Divisions: While religion can promote social unity, it has also been a cause of conflicts and divisions, leading to tensions between different religious groups. For instance, the Crusades (11th-13th centuries) represent a historical event where religion played a prominent role in causing conflict. The Christian European powers launched military campaigns against Muslims in the Holy Land, driven by religious zeal and a desire to gain control over sacred sites. This example highlights how religious differences can fuel animosity and lead to wars or long-standing disputes.

It's important to note that these examples are simplified, and the effects of organized religion can vary significantly depending on numerous factors such as geography, culture, and historical context.