Loudly applauding, the audience gave the actors a standing ovation.

In the sentence, the participial phrase loudly applauding functions as

a verb.
an adjective.
an adverb.
a noun.***

an adjective

Yes, it's an adjective.

D. a noun

To identify the function of the participial phrase "loudly applauding" in the sentence, let's first understand what a participial phrase is.

A participial phrase consists of a present or past participle (the "ing" form or the past participle form of a verb) and any accompanying words. It functions as an adjective phrase, modifying or describing a noun or pronoun in the sentence.

In this case, the participial phrase "loudly applauding" is describing the noun "audience". It tells us more about the audience and how they were behaving. Since the participial phrase is modifying a noun (audience), the correct answer is B. an adjective.