4. Find the GCF of the polynomial, then factor.

8v⁶ + 2v⁵ - 10v⁹

5. Simplify the product of the binomial

[5t + 4]²

6. A rectangle has dimensions 3x  1 and 2x + 5. Write
an expression for the area of the rectangle as a
product and in standard form.

7. Factor m² + 9m - 22

4. To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of the polynomial 8v⁶ + 2v⁵ - 10v⁹, we can first factor out the common factors in each term. The constants 8, 2, and -10 have a common factor of 2, and the variables v⁶, v⁵, and v⁹ have a common factor of v⁵. Therefore, we can factor out 2v⁵ from each term, which gives us:

2v⁵ (4v + 1 - 5v⁴)

Now, let's look at the remaining expression inside the parentheses. We can see that it is a polynomial in terms of v, and we can't factor it further since the exponents of v are not the same. Therefore, the GCF of the polynomial 8v⁶ + 2v⁵ - 10v⁹ is 2v⁵, and the factored form of the polynomial is 2v⁵(4v + 1 - 5v⁴).

5. To simplify the product of the binomial [5t + 4]², we can use the formula for the square of a binomial, which is (a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b².

Plugging in the values from the given binomial [5t + 4], we get:

[5t + 4]² = (5t)² + 2(5t)(4) + 4²

Simplifying further:

[5t + 4]² = 25t² + 40t + 16

So the simplified form of the product of the binomial [5t + 4]² is 25t² + 40t + 16.

6. To write an expression for the area of a rectangle with dimensions 3x - 1 and 2x + 5, we multiply the length and width of the rectangle.

Area = (3x - 1) * (2x + 5)

Using the distributive property, we distribute each term in the first bracket to each term in the second bracket:

Area = 3x * 2x + 3x * 5 - 1 * 2x - 1 * 5

Simplifying further:

Area = 6x² + 15x - 2x - 5

Combining like terms:

Area = 6x² + (15x - 2x) - 5

Simplifying the coefficient of x:

Area = 6x² + 13x - 5

Therefore, the area of the rectangle is represented by the expression 6x² + 13x - 5 in standard form.

7. To factor the quadratic expression m² + 9m - 22, we are looking for two numbers that multiply to -22 and add up to 9 (since the coefficient of m² is 1).

By factoring, we know that the product of the two numbers would be -22, and their sum would be 9.

After trying different pairs of factors, we find that (11, -2) satisfies these conditions.

Therefore, we can rewrite the quadratic expression as:

m² + 11m - 2m - 22

Grouping the terms:

(m² + 11m) - (2m + 22)

Factoring out the common factor from each group:

m(m + 11) - 2(m + 11)

Notice that we now have a common binomial factor of (m + 11). We can factor it out:

(m - 2)(m + 11)

So, the factored form of the quadratic expression m² + 9m - 22 is (m - 2)(m + 11).

See https://www.jiskha.com/display.cgi?id=1522693893#1522693893.1522695283