Provide an example of a spontaneous reaction

A roaring bonfire is an example of a spontaneous reaction, since it is exothermic (there is a decrease in the energy of the system as energy is released to the surroundings as heat). The products of a fire are composed partly of gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Nope, Mr Skill. Not spontaneous, unless it started itself.

Here is an example: iron rusting

Fe + O2 >>>Fe2O3

Now I see, I found that on a website but now I found other websites that say stuff like ice melting and fruit ripening. Are those spontaneous reactions?


Mr skill is right roaring bonfire

A classic example of a spontaneous reaction is the combustion of wood. When wood is exposed to sufficient heat (typically in the presence of oxygen), it undergoes a chemical reaction known as combustion, which releases energy in the form of heat and light. This process is spontaneous because it occurs naturally without the need for external intervention.

To understand why combustion is a spontaneous reaction, we can look at the concept of Gibbs free energy (ΔG). In spontaneous reactions, the Gibbs free energy change (ΔG) is negative, indicating that the reaction will proceed in the forward direction. For combustion to occur, the reactants (wood and oxygen) need to be in a higher energy state than the products (carbon dioxide, water, and ash). This decrease in free energy during combustion drives the reaction to proceed spontaneously.

In summary, the combustion of wood is a spontaneous reaction because it releases energy and has a negative Gibbs free energy change, indicating that it occurs naturally without external intervention.