The output voltage of AC source is V(t) = (25V)sin(5πt). what is the rms value of the voltage? answer: 18V, but how???

recall that peak voltage (amplitude) of a sine wave is √2 times rms.

25/√2 = 17.67 ≈ 18

To determine the root mean square (rms) value of the given voltage waveform, you need to follow the following steps:

Step 1: Find the square of the voltage function.

The voltage function is given by V(t) = (25V)sin(5πt).

By squaring the voltage function, you get V^2(t) = (25V)^2sin^2(5πt).

Step 2: Find the average of the squared voltage over one complete cycle.

Since the voltage function is a periodic waveform, you need to find the average value of the squared voltage over one complete cycle. In this case, the period T is the time it takes for the waveform to complete one full cycle. For a sine function, the period is 2π divided by the angular frequency (ω).

The angular frequency ω = 5π.

Therefore, T = 2π/ω = 2π/(5π) = 2/5 seconds.

Now, integrate the squared voltage function over one complete cycle:

Integrate V^2(t) from t = 0 to t = T.

∫[0 to T] (25V)^2sin^2(5πt) dt

Since sin^2(5πt) has an average value of 1/2 over one complete cycle, the integral simplifies to:

(25V)^2 * (1/2) * T

= (25V)^2 * (1/2) * (2/5)

= (25V)^2 * (1/5)

= (625V^2) * (1/5)

= 625V^2 / 5

Step 3: Take the square root of the average squared voltage.

The rms value of the voltage (Vrms) is the square root of the average of the squared voltage:

Vrms = √(625V^2 / 5)

= √(125V^2)

= √(25V) * √(5V)

= 5V * √(5V)

= 5√5V ≈ 11.18V

Therefore, the rms value of the given voltage waveform is approximately 11.18V, not 18V.