In the western part of the United States, the main natural resources are minerals, timber, and water. The various resources have been mined, used to build homes, irrigation, and use in the cities. How has the way people managed the natural resources in the West changed since the 1800’s?

Parks have been eliminated so loggers can use the forest trees and engineers can build dams.

Today, people are trying to manage the use of resources to preserve them. : My answer

There are no restrictions or regulations on the use of natural resources.

People buy or trade from other regions to meet their needs.

Yes. Your answer is right;

Whos answer????

we need allll the ANSWERS!!!!!!!!! 😐😐

In order to understand how the management of natural resources in the western part of the United States has changed since the 1800s, it is important to consider the historical context and the various factors that have influenced this change.

In the 1800s, the western part of the United States experienced a frenzy of resource extraction and exploitation. The gold rush and the subsequent mining activities attracted thousands of people in search of wealth from minerals found in the region. Timber was also heavily exploited to support the growing demands of the rapidly expanding population. Additionally, water resources were diverted from their natural course for irrigation purposes and to support the development of cities.

During this period, little consideration was given to the long-term impact of such exploitation. As a result, there were practically no restrictions or regulations on the use of natural resources. Large areas of forests were cleared without much thought about their regeneration, and dams were constructed without considering the ecological consequences.

However, in more recent times, there has been a shift in how people manage natural resources in the West. This change can be attributed to a better understanding of the environmental impact of resource exploitation, increasing concerns about sustainability, and the emergence of conservation movements.

Today, there is a concerted effort to manage the use of natural resources in a more sustainable and responsible manner. This includes implementing regulations and restrictions on resource extraction, such as timber logging, to ensure that it is done in a manner that allows for regeneration. Various conservation initiatives have been established, such as national parks and protected areas, to preserve important natural habitats and biodiversity.

Furthermore, there is a growing recognition of the importance of water conservation and efficient use of this resource. Efforts are being made to restore and maintain natural waterways, while also implementing measures to reduce water waste and promote responsible water consumption.

People are also becoming more aware of the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the need to preserve ecological balance. This has led to a shift towards more sustainable practices, such as reforestation and the protection of endangered species.

In addition to better resource management, people in the western part of the United States are increasingly relying on trade and buying from other regions to meet their resource needs. This helps reduce the pressure on local resources and allows for more balanced and sustainable resource utilization.

Overall, the management of natural resources in the western part of the United States has evolved significantly since the 1800s. From a period of unrestricted exploitation and little consideration for long-term consequences, there has been a shift towards more responsible and sustainable practices driven by a better understanding of the importance of preserving these resources for future generations.