We anticipated the movie to be very interesting but it turned out be a big ________. (_________)

What is that homophone of 'we anticipated the movie to be very interesting but it turned out to be a big __________.(__________)



We anticipated the movie to be very interesting but it turned out to be a big disappointment. (disappointment)

To fill in the blank with the appropriate word, we can consider the context of the sentence. The sentence indicates that the movie did not meet the expectations and was not enjoyable. Therefore, we can infer that the appropriate word to fill in the blank is "disappointment." This word signifies a feeling of sadness or dissatisfaction when something does not live up to one's expectations.

It's important to carefully analyze the context of a sentence or phrase to determine the suitable word or phrase to complete it.

A big bore? A big disappointment? A big snooze? What word do you want to find a homophone for?
