What led to violence in Kansas in 1854?

Northerners and Southerners disagreed over the results of the slavery vote.***
People voted for Kansas to be a slave state.
People voted for Kansas to be a free state.
Nebraska was split into Kansas and Nebraska.
2.  Why were people outraged at the Supreme Court’s decision in the Dred Scott
(1 p
They believed it would solve many problems.
They agreed with the decision.
The Court said African Americans had no rights.****
The Court ruled in favor of Scott.
3.  Which statement represents Lincoln’s and Douglas’s views on slavery?
They agreed on slavery.
Neither one cared about slavery.
Douglas opposed slavery, but Lincoln believed slavery had its place.
Lincoln opposed slavery, but Douglas thought slavery had its place.***

Not sure about the last one: Which Douglas exactly?

I agree with your answers.

Douglas = Stephen A. Douglas

The last question is referring to Stephen A. Douglas, who was a politician and rival of Abraham Lincoln during the 1858 Illinois Senate election, also known as the Lincoln-Douglas debates.