What type of celebration do the colors in Manet’s painting suggest, in contrast to Gauguin’s?

A) extreme confusion versus boisterous excitement
B) mysterious excitement versus dizzy excitement
C) over-the-top excitement versus happy peacefulness *** My Answer
D) organized celebration versus disorderly celebration

Which reason best describes why Grandma Moses chose to celebrate country scenes by immortalizing them as art?

A) to recognize unusual scenes
B) to identify simple pleasures
C) to commemorate her long life *** My Answer
D) to reveal her exceptional memory

An artist creates a painting of the Cinco de Mayo celebration originating in the state of Puebla, Mexico, honoring ideals of freedom and democracy. What colors is the artist most likely to use to convey the high energy of this festivity?

A) pale blues and white
B) blacks and grays
C) pastel yellows and pinks
D) bright reds and greens *** My Answer


Here are the answers

1. Over the top excitement versus happy peacefulness.
2. To identify simple pleasures.
3. Bright reds and greens
Please don't cheat, do the work first, then,, use this to check and see if you are right.

1. C: Over the top

2. B: To identify
3. D: Red and green

wait i didn't notice the answers above me

The guy above me didn't notice the answers above him

Your answers are correct. Congrats!

For the first question about Manet's painting, you correctly identified that the colors suggest an over-the-top excitement in contrast to Gauguin's painting. To reach this conclusion, you likely analyzed the painting and the use of color, considering the vibrancy and intensity of the colors used by the artists.

For the second question about Grandma Moses, you correctly identified that she chose to celebrate country scenes to commemorate her long life. To arrive at this answer, you probably thought about the significance of Grandma Moses painting rural scenes, considering her own life experiences and the themes she often depicted in her artwork.

For the third question about the Cinco de Mayo celebration, you correctly identified that bright reds and greens would be the most likely colors used by the artist to convey the high energy of the festivity. To arrive at this answer, you likely considered the cultural context, the symbolism of the colors commonly associated with the celebration, and the desire to portray a lively and energetic atmosphere. Well done!