What is 2.8 + 3.58?

Round your answer.


It's not the answer that the link will give you, though. Remember, you still need to round.

Hint: Round up.

The problem doesn't state what you're to round to -- whole number? tenth? or ??

To calculate the sum of 2.8 and 3.58 and round the answer, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Add the two numbers together.
2.8 + 3.58 = 6.38

Step 2: Determine the decimal place you want to round to. In this case, you are asked to round the answer.

Step 3: Look at the digit following the desired decimal place. In this case, the digit following the decimal place is 8.

Step 4: If the digit following the desired decimal place is 5 or greater, increase the digit in the desired decimal place by 1. If the digit is less than 5, leave the digit in the desired decimal place as it is.

Step 5: Since the digit following the desired decimal place (8) is greater than 5, you need to round up.

Step 6: Round up 6.38 to the nearest whole number following the desired decimal place, which is the tenths.

Step 7: The rounded answer is 6.4.