what is the slope of the line that goes through (-3, -5) and (-3, -6) NEED THIS DONE SOON HELP PLEASE! SORRY ALL CAPS


(-6 +5) / (-3 + 3)
-1/0 undefined, vertical straight up and down,
x = -3 is the equation of the line

If you sketch/graph the two points you can see that it is a vertical line : ) thus an undefined slope.

To find the slope of a line that passes through two given points, you can use the formula for slope:

slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

In this case, the two given points are (-3, -5) and (-3, -6).

Let's plug in the values into the formula:

slope = (-6 - (-5)) / (-3 - (-3))

Since both x-values are the same (-3), the denominator becomes zero. Division by zero is undefined, which means the slope cannot be calculated.

In this case, the two points actually lie on a vertical line, which does not have a defined slope.