Does true love exist?

I used to think that true love did not exist. I thought it was a socially conditioned belief that is largely used by society to control people to act and behave in a certain way.

Heaven is a place on earth. A terrestrial paradise. But I think it is a gift from God or Universe. It is not something you can control or create by your own accord. It just happens. Human love can exist but it is usually something that fades over time, something like 2-3 months, because it was created by the ego, not by Universe. True love comes from the soul.

Because it comes from the soul, not just the heart or the body, the qualitative nature of it is infinite and never changes. It helps you evolve into your truest authentic self, your God self on earth.


It depends on who you ask. True love doesn't just happen overnight like movies and stories will make you believe. It takes time to develop. True love isn't just infatuation. It's hundreds of arguments, it's acceptance, it's joy, it's pride, it's learning, it's quality time. No pair will ever be perfect together unless they take the time to move past the imperfections. True love exists, just not in the way you may think.

Determining the existence of true love is a subjective matter and can vary from person to person based on their beliefs, experiences, and perceptions. While some may argue that true love is nothing more than a cultural construct, others believe in its existence based on their personal experiences and connections with others.

To understand whether true love exists, it is important to explore different perspectives and consider various factors. Here are a few steps you can take to form your own opinion on this matter:

1. Reflect on personal experiences: Consider any meaningful relationships or connections in your life. Have you ever felt a deep, genuine, and selfless love for another person? Reflecting on these experiences may provide insight into the presence or absence of true love in your life.

2. Explore different perspectives: Engage in open conversations with others about their beliefs and experiences regarding true love. Listen to their stories and insights, and compare them with your own. This can help you gain a broader understanding of different viewpoints on the concept of true love.

3. Study scientific research: While love is a deeply emotional and personal experience, scientific research can offer insights into the neurological, psychological, and biological aspects of love. Reading credible studies and literature on this topic can provide a scientific perspective, which may influence your understanding of true love.

4. Explore philosophical and cultural perspectives: Investigate different philosophical and cultural perspectives on love. Many cultures and belief systems have their own interpretations and understandings of love. Exploring these different perspectives can offer new insights and broaden your understanding of the concept of true love.

Ultimately, the existence of true love is a deeply personal and subjective belief. It is up to you to explore different perspectives, reflect on your own experiences, and draw your own conclusions.