What are the best ways to save money?

I am really horrible at saving money. What are the easiest ways to save some extra money.

Try to carpool. Track all your expenses in an app like Spending Tracker (will change your life if you keep to it!) Buy generic drugs, food items, cleaning products. Buy used clothes, used car. It's also better for the planet.

I would not worry about saving money like clipping coupons and trying to get the best deal. That costs time and money to do research for the 'best deal.' I would be also concerned with how to make more money. How to create more value for your job or in what you do.

When you eat out, do not order two plates of food. Order one plate of food and share. Go vegetarian most days of the week. Reducing your meat and alcohol intake will decrease your spending.

Think about the future value of every dollar you spend. You may have a nice sweater to wear for the next year that you bought from Macy's. But that on average for every dollar you spend you forgo a future value of about 5x that if you had for instance saved it and put it in an index fund that tracks the entire stock market for a reasonable 6% return over 30 years.

Go out less and stay home more. Have less friends. Go sober. Do not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. Do a 'staycation' instead of a vacation abroad.

Drink PBR or whiskey on the rocks instead of a fancy $15 cocktail at the bar.

When you make daily purchases, ask if this is a want or a need. Only buy things you need for a month, and then adjust your habits accordingly.

There are a number of things one can suggest, however I cannot guarantee that any of them will truly work for you. One thing you may want to try is choosing days to go meat free, create menu's, and budget your grocery shopping carefully. Remember to fix any leaks you may find around the house, and to turn off and even unplug certain electronics when they are not in use. If you have a garden or do anything for your lawn try making your own compost instead of buying it yourself. Not only will you be saving money but you'll be recycling as well. You may also consider investing in a rain barrel if you tend to use a lot of water on your plants. Don't be afraid to rinse out and reuse certain containers such as bottles and jugs as well.

Saving money can be a challenging task, but there are several strategies you can use to make it easier. Here are some of the best ways to save money:

1. Create a budget: Start by tracking your income and expenses. Identify your fixed costs (such as rent, utilities, and debt payments) and variable expenses (like groceries, entertainment, and transportation). Set specific savings goals and allocate a portion of your income toward savings each month.

2. Pay yourself first: Make savings a priority by treating it like a monthly bill. Set up an automatic transfer from your checking account to a separate savings account on payday. This way, you save before spending money on other things.

3. Cut back on discretionary spending: Take a close look at your variable expenses and identify areas where you can cut back. This could mean reducing your dining-out budget, canceling unused subscriptions, or finding more affordable alternatives for goods and services you regularly use.

4. Track your expenses: Keep a record of your daily spending to become more aware of where your money goes. Use budgeting apps or spreadsheets to categorize and analyze your expenses. This will help you identify patterns and areas where you can cut back.

5. Set financial goals: Having clear goals in mind can provide motivation for saving money. Whether it's building an emergency fund, saving for a vacation, or paying off debt, defining your goals and regularly reminding yourself of them can encourage better saving habits.

6. Avoid unnecessary debt: Minimize borrowing money and try to pay off existing debts as soon as possible. High-interest debts, such as credit card balances, can quickly drain your savings. Consider consolidating debt or negotiate lower interest rates to make repayment more manageable.

7. Find ways to increase income: Look for opportunities to boost your income. This could be through a side gig, freelance work, or asking for a raise at your current job. The additional income can be dedicated entirely to savings.

8. Take advantage of discounts and promotions: Always be on the lookout for sales, discounts, and coupons when shopping. Compare prices, buy in bulk, and consider second-hand options. Small savings on everyday purchases can add up over time.

9. Plan meals and cook at home: Eating out or ordering takeout can be expensive. Plan your meals, create shopping lists, and cook at home more often. This not only helps save money but also promotes healthier eating habits.

10. Regularly review your finances: Set aside time periodically to assess your financial situation. Track your progress, adjust your budget as needed, and celebrate milestones. Regularly reviewing your finances keeps saving a priority and gives you a sense of accomplishment.

Remember, saving money is a habit that takes time to develop. Start small, be consistent, and always be mindful of your spending habits.