How did Dignam find out that Colin was the SIU mole?

The movie The Departed.

In the movie "The Departed," Dignam found out that Colin was the SIU (Special Investigations Unit) mole through several key events and observations. To understand how Dignam reached this conclusion, let's break down the chain of events and the clues that led him to his discovery.

1. Firstly, Dignam (played by Mark Wahlberg) had suspicions about Colin (played by Matt Damon) throughout the film. As an experienced member of the Massachusetts State Police, he possessed a keen sense of intuition and a deep understanding of police work.

2. Colin was an undercover police officer working for mobster Frank Costello (played by Jack Nicholson) while being employed by the Massachusetts State Police simultaneously. This dual role made Colin a prime candidate to potentially be a mole within the police force.

3. During the film, Dignam became suspicious when he noticed that information shared by the undercover cop Billy Costigan (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) was often compromised or leaked to Frank Costello. Dignam correctly deduced that someone within the police force was leaking this information.

4. Throughout the investigation, Colin displayed a high level of knowledge and insight about the inner workings of the police force, including details of undercover operations and protocols. This raised red flags, as it seemed unlikely for a relatively young officer like Colin to possess such extensive knowledge unless he had access to confidential information.

5. Later in the film, Dignam learned that the police had a mole within Frank Costello's organization. This realization strengthened his suspicion that there was also a mole within the police force. Considering Colin's close association with Costello, Dignam began to focus on him as a potential suspect.

6. Dignam also observed Colin's behavior and noticed him constantly reporting to an unknown superi