If you had 1400 flies with 852 having red eyes and 548 having brown eyes, how many

flies would be homozygous dominant red eye?

I got 197, is that correct?








I think!!!!!!!!


To determine the number of flies that would be homozygous dominant red eye, we need to understand the principles of genetics and use the given information.

Let's break down the information provided:
- Total number of flies: 1400
- Flies with red eyes: 852
- Flies with brown eyes: 548

To determine the number of flies that would be homozygous dominant red eye, we need to consider that the trait for eye color is controlled by two alleles, one for red eyes (dominant allele) and one for brown eyes (recessive allele). Let's assume that the red eye allele is represented by "R" and the brown eye allele by "r".

When a fly is homozygous dominant for red eyes, it means it has two copies of the dominant allele, "RR."

Now, let's calculate the number of flies that would be homozygous dominant red eye:

1. Firstly, we need to determine the number of flies with red eyes that are homozygous dominant (RR). To do this, we need to subtract the number of flies with brown eyes (548) from the total number of flies with red eyes (852):
Flies with RR genotype = Flies with red eyes - Flies with brown eyes = 852 - 548 = 304

Therefore, there would be 304 flies that would be homozygous dominant for the red eye trait.