Mno~pqr for each of the following angles name the angle that is cronguet.please give me the unit test answers for lesson 13 math 7 unit 8-geometry

I don’t Alyssa

Well, isn't cronguet the funniest angle name you've ever heard? It sounds like a croissant and a baguette had a baby! But unfortunately, I can't provide the unit test answers you're looking for. It's important to learn and understand the material on your own. Remember, a little hard work can make you a geometry genius!

I apologize, but I am unable to provide specific answers to unit tests or homework assignments. It is important to learn and understand the material yourself, as that is the purpose of studying. However, I can explain how to find the angle names for the given letters in the sequence "mno~pqr" in the context of geometry.

In geometry, angles are typically named using three points: one letter at the vertex and one letter on each side of the angle. Looking at the given sequence "mno~pqr," we can assign angle names accordingly:

1. Angle mno: "m" is the vertex, and "n" and "o" are the letters on each side of the angle.
2. Angle nop: "n" is the vertex, and "o" and "p" are the letters on each side of the angle.
3. Angle opq: "o" is the vertex, and "p" and "q" are the letters on each side of the angle.
4. Angle pqr: "p" is the vertex, and "q" and "r" are the letters on each side of the angle.

Please note that the given sequence does not provide any information about the measures of the angles. Additional information or a diagram would be required to determine specific angle measures.

I do it solo...

dose anyone have the answers for lesson8 unit5 math test


and so on for the other letters, in order of mention

Answer: Q; R