What is the major difference between ectotherms and endotherms?

1)whether or not the animal builds nests on land
2)whether or not the animal has ben found on several continents
3) whether or not the animal maintains a constant body temperature
4) whether or not the animal is classified as a vertebrate

I chose # 3


The giveaway is that the root therm means heat or temperature.

thermostat, thermometer, thermos bottle, etc.

#3 is the closest although the dictionary defines it a little differently.

You have chosen option 3, which states that the major difference between ectotherms and endotherms is whether or not the animal maintains a constant body temperature.

To further understand this concept, let's break it down:

Ectotherms: These are animals that rely on external sources, such as the environment, to regulate their body temperature. They cannot maintain a constant body temperature on their own. Instead, their body temperature fluctuates based on the temperature of their surroundings. Examples of ectotherms include reptiles, amphibians, and most fish.

Endotherms: These are animals that have the ability to generate and regulate their own internal body temperature, regardless of the outside temperature. They are able to maintain a relatively constant body temperature, usually higher than that of their surroundings. Endotherms achieve this by using metabolic processes to produce heat within their bodies. Birds and mammals, including humans, are examples of endotherms.

So, the major difference between ectotherms and endotherms lies in their ability to regulate their body temperature. Ectotherms rely on external factors, while endotherms have the capacity to internally regulate their body temperature.