1. The contributions of the mountain men include...

A: developing first Anglo- American settlements

B: establishing good relations with the Native Americans

C: developing local resources

D: establishing routes through the region for others to follow

I think i'm too late to help you so i hope this helps people in the future

1: D
2: B
3: B
sooo sorry.

Thanks again Me got them anser

me got them answer is right AGAIN thank youuuu

What do you think?



oops caps whatever ;)

What are the answers in written form because they change the answers around???

1.) Establishing routes through the region for others to follow.

2.) Exposure to alcohol and disease
3.) Adventures from Canada, New Mexico, and the East looking to make money.

The correct answer is D: establishing routes through the region for others to follow.

The mountain men were early pioneers and explorers who played a crucial role in opening up the western territories of North America during the 19th century. They were known for their exploration of previously uncharted territories, particularly in the Rocky Mountains and the western regions of the United States. Their primary contribution was in establishing routes and trails that allowed others to navigate through these rugged, often treacherous landscapes.

To find this answer, you would typically study the history of the mountain men and their role in the exploration of the American West. You can refer to historical books, articles, or reliable online sources that discuss the contributions and impact of the mountain men in opening up the American frontier. Look for specific information about their role in establishing routes and trails for others to follow.