I have a question. Your body is made 90% percent Water Correct?

Nope. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.

Wow. Even I didn't know that. That's cool Bob!

Actually, the human body is not made up of 90% water. The exact percentage can vary depending on factors like age, sex, body composition, and overall health. On average, water makes up about 60% of an adult's body weight.

To determine the percentage of water in the human body, you would need to follow a specific calculation:

1. Start by knowing your weight in pounds or kilograms.
2. Multiply your weight by the percentage of water typically found in the body, which is around 60%. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, multiply it by 0.60 to get 90.
3. The result will be the estimated amount of water in your body, given in pounds or kilograms.

Remember that this calculation provides an estimate, and individual variations are expected. Additionally, the percentage may change throughout the day due to factors like hydration, diet, and exercise.