Which of the following is not a force that would act on a skateboard rolling down a ramp?

a. gravity*** b. air resistance c. rolling friction d. static friction


Static Friction

^^The dude on top of my answer is right! ^^

Anon is correct

To determine which of the following is not a force that would act on a skateboard rolling down a ramp, let's analyze each option:

a. gravity: Gravity is a force that will always act on an object with mass. As the skateboard rolls down the ramp, gravity pulls it downward, giving it weight and causing it to accelerate.

b. air resistance: Air resistance is a force that opposes the motion of an object moving through the air. As the skateboard moves down the ramp, it encounters air resistance, which can slow it down.

c. rolling friction: Rolling friction is the resistance that occurs when an object rolls on a surface. As the skateboard rolls down the ramp, there will be rolling friction between the wheels and the ramp, which can affect its speed.

d. static friction: Static friction is the resistance that prevents an object from moving when force is applied to it but it is not enough to overcome the friction. In the context of a skateboard rolling down a ramp, static friction does not come into play because the skateboard is already in motion.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. static friction.