A bouncy ball bounces 16 feet high on its first bounce and exactly half as high on the next bounce. For each later bounce, the ball bounces half as high as on the previous bounce. How many inches high does the ball bounce on its seventh bounce?

1 - 16 feet

2 - 8
3 = 4
4 = 2
5 = 1
6 = 1/2
7 = 1/4 foot = 3 inches

To find out how many inches high the ball bounces on its seventh bounce, we need to follow the given pattern.

First, let's convert the initial height of the ball, which is 16 feet, into inches since we want the answer in inches. There are 12 inches in a foot, so 16 feet equals 16 * 12 = 192 inches.

Now, since the ball bounces half as high on each subsequent bounce, we can calculate the height of the ball for each bounce using the formula: previous height / 2.

1st bounce: 192 inches
2nd bounce: 192 / 2 = 96 inches
3rd bounce: 96 / 2 = 48 inches
4th bounce: 48 / 2 = 24 inches
5th bounce: 24 / 2 = 12 inches
6th bounce: 12 / 2 = 6 inches
7th bounce: 6 / 2 = 3 inches

Therefore, the ball bounces 3 inches high on its seventh bounce.