"The Lottery"

The theme of this story might be that...
A. humanity possesses a tendency to seize readily upon a scapegoat.
B. humanity can fall victim to unexamined traditions.
C. accepting tradition is harmful.
D. both the first and second choices above
E. all of the above

I think it's E. all of the above. Is this correct?

I agree.

To determine the correct answer, let's go through each option and analyze them in relation to the story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson.

A. "Humanity possesses a tendency to seize readily upon a scapegoat."
The story shows how the villagers quickly turn against one of their own and irrationally blame a person for their collective misfortune.

B. "Humanity can fall victim to unexamined traditions."
The story illustrates the blind adherence to the lottery tradition, even though it involves violence and death. The villagers unquestioningly participate without considering its implications.

C. "Accepting tradition is harmful."
The story suggests the harm caused by blindly accepting and perpetuating harmful traditions without critical examination.

Considering these points, it is evident that all of the given options (A, B, and C) apply to the theme of the story. Therefore, your choice of E. "all of the above" is correct.