-9x - 5 = -95

I did +5 on both sides and got

-9x = -90

Which then I added both sides by 9 and got

X = -85

It tells me I got the answer wrong

Where did I go wrong?

You went wrong after this step.

-9x = -90

You need to divide both sides by -9.

x = 10

Thank you so much

You're welcome.

To solve the equation -9x - 5 = -95, you are on the right track by trying to isolate the variable x. However, there's a mistake in your calculations. Let's go through the correct steps together:

1. Start with the equation -9x - 5 = -95.
2. To isolate the x term, you can add 5 to both sides of the equation, but be careful with the signs:
-9x - 5 + 5 = -95 + 5
-9x = -90
3. You correctly obtained -9x = -90.
4. Now, to solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by -9:
-9x / -9 = -90 / -9
x = 10

So, the correct solution to the equation is x = 10. Double-check your calculations to ensure you haven't made an error while performing the operations.