How have perspectives about health and conservation changed since the late 1800s?

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For health reform see this

APUSH = Advanced Placement U.S. History

LOL. If APUSH were a chemical formula I would have recognized it; otherwise it's a foreign language to me.

You know kids!! They expect everyone to understand their newly coined terms or acronyms! It's much easier just to type History so tutors will all understand, but no ...


To understand the changes in perspectives about health and conservation since the late 1800s, we need to analyze historical developments and changes in society. Here is a step-by-step process to gather a comprehensive understanding:

1. Research the late 1800s: Begin by researching the prevailing beliefs and attitudes towards health and conservation in the late 1800s.
- Look for key events, scientific discoveries, and societal factors that influenced people's perspectives on health and conservation during this period.
- Medical breakthroughs, sanitation reforms, and the emergence of environmental movements are important areas to explore.

2. Identify key figures: Identify key figures who played a significant role in shaping perspectives on health and conservation during this time.
- Look for influential scientists, doctors, conservationists, and thinkers who promoted new ideas or challenged established beliefs.
- Jean-Martin Charcot (neurologist), Louis Pasteur (microbiologist), John Muir (naturalist), and Florence Nightingale (nurse) are examples of notable figures from the late 1800s.

3. Compare with contemporary perspectives: Examine the differences between the late 1800s and present-day perspectives on health and conservation.
- Review current research, scientific advancements, and societal attitudes towards health and conservation.
- Understand how changes in technology, globalization, and population growth have impacted these perspectives.

4. Identify key shifts and factors: Analyze the factors that contributed to the changes in perspectives over time.
- Consider the influence of new scientific discoveries, shifts in cultural values, and increased awareness of environmental issues.
- Explore the role of government policies, public health movements, and advancements in medical technologies.

5. Consider broader social contexts: Understand how changes in societal structures and norms have influenced perspectives on health and conservation.
- Analyze the impact of industrialization, urbanization, globalization, and the rise of consumerism on these perspectives.
- Look at changes in lifestyle, diet, and the perception of nature in society.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how perspectives about health and conservation have changed since the late 1800s. Remember to consult a variety of reputable sources, such as academic papers, books, and articles, to gather a well-rounded perspective.